Two project-related papers presented at the IFAC World Congress


In July Clean Propulsion Technologies project’s researchers Xiaoguo Storm, Amin Modabberian, Hoang Nguyen, and Work Package 2 leader Kai Zenger attended the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) at Japan Yokohama (8th-14th July). At the conference, the team presented two papers ‘Machine Learning Methods for Emissions Prediction in Combustion Engines with Multiple Cylinders’ and ‘Towards Real-Time Combustion Phase Estimation for Linear RCCI Model-Predictive Control Design’ that were conducted in the framework of the Clean Propulsion Technologies project. They also participated in many interesting sections.

– It was fun and interesting to learn about the latest research and achievements within the field of automatic control in a broad range of different industries. Above all, it was great to meet other people working on modeling and control of RCCI engines, says Amin Modabberian from Aalto University

– The learning from this conference is rich and many new ideas inspired us for further research. In addition, it was really exciting to meet all the experts globally and get to know the beautiful Yokohama, Xiaoguo Storm from University of Vaasa sums up the experience.

The World Congress is the largest event held by the IFAC covering a wide range of application fields from aerospace, marine robotics, and healthcare to automotive systems.